The Killing of the Prospect Park Geese, Pt I

Prospect Park Geese in Prospect Park Lake -- No Longer

Last Thursday, July 8th, 400 Resident Geese of Brooklyn’s Prospect Park were rounded up and killed in the middle of the night under the dubious notion that this will make air travel in the New York City metropolitan area safe. Mitchel Cohen of the No Spray Coalition, a group which works to fight against and educate about toxic pesticide spraying by the City of New York, wrote the following letter to Susan Elbin of the New York City Audobon. Ms. Elbin is quoted in the New York Times story which appeared July 12th and answered the question of the disappearance of the geese, as park-goers noted them suddenly gone over the weekend with no notice. Ms. Elbin later responded that the NYC Aubobon position was “incorrectly characterized” in the story – nonetheless, the points in Mr. Cohen’s letter, posted below, are worth noting.


July 13th, 2010

Dear Ms. Elbin,

Today’s NY Times quotes you as supporting the federal government’s (USDA’s) invasion of Brooklyn’s Prospect Park last Thursday to round up, bind, and murder (gassing) of 400 wonderful Canadian geese who were resident geese in our park.

Susan Elbin, conservation director at New York City Audubon, was cautiously supportive of the mass euthanizing. “There are ways to manage birds nonlethally,” Ms. Elbin said. “But if you’re trying to manage a population level, sometimes those hard decisions need to be made.”

It is beyond comprehension that you, speaking on behalf of the NYC Audubon society, would rationalize this horror. I am flabbergasted that you did not point out to the NY Times that:

the Prospect Park geese — and in fact most of the geese that they have been rounding up and killing — were “resident geese” who lived in the Park and nearby Greenwood Cemetery year round;

after Flight 1549 came down in January 2009, the Smithsonian Institute issued a report stating that the plane collided with a flock of MIGRATORY geese, distinct from resident geese;

Killing resident geese does nothing to heighten air safety; it is a ruse enabling the Bloomberg administration, the NYC Parks Department, and the USDA to make it look like they’re doing something when what they’re doing is ineffective and cruel;

In other countries, they track birds’ migratory patterns — which are fairly consistent and can be noted by radar — and change airline flight routes accordingly so that they don’t hit birds. But the exigencies in the making of corporate profits here make it too inconvenient and costly for the giant airlines companies and US officials to change the flight patterns of their airplanes. It’s much easier and financially profitable to get the government to go in and pretend they’re doing something — even if what they’re doing is in actuality totally irrelevant to protecting public safety.

– The geese in Prospect Park were a joy to behold. Children loved feeding them; they befriended them, and helped those who were injured. These geese — our friends! — became the gateway through which children (and adults) learned to care about nature. And now the government has killed them, unnecessarily. Tell that to the kids, that the government has murdered their friends. And tell them that the NYC Audubon supports such cruelty.

– While the Bloomberg administration tries to wash its hands of any responsibility, the NYC Parks Department “signed permission for the removal of the birds” instead of opposing it and alerting the public, thus setting this whole chain of events into motion;

– The wildlife biologists and technicians who “descended on the park Thursday morning and herded the birds into a fenced area,” and who were “working with the federal Agriculture Department, then packed the geese two or three to a crate and took them to a nearby building where they were gassed with lethal doses of carbon dioxide,” are criminals who should have their licenses removed every bit as much as medical professionals who “assist” in torture in Guantanamo are acting in violation of their oaths and purpose.

Shame on the NYC Audubon for not protecting such species as resident geese. The Audubon Society has a certain amount of credibility on these issues and should be far more critical of government decisions that are harming natural life.

Mitchel Cohen, on behalf of the Brooklyn Greens / Green Party, and
Coordinator, No Spray Coalition (against toxic pesticides)


NYC Audobon’s Susan Elbin then responded, excerpted below, stating that the Times “incorrectly characterized” the organization’s position:

NYC Audubon believes that lethal control should be the last resort after all other methods have been pursued. We have repeatedly maintained that New York City has not taken appropriate measures to reduce goose habitat, and that without such measures populations will quickly rebound to current levels.

NYC Audubon also takes issue with the target populations called for by the Department of Agriculture, a reduction of 80% of the population in the city, as we believe that it is not supported by sound science, and that the risk to aviation safety will not be significantly reduced by this approach. The recent cull at Prospect Park represented nearly 100% of the birds; that is managing a population into extinction. NYC Audubon strongly disagrees with that decision.

The full statement can be found on their web site here.

NYC Audobon does have some suggestions to prevent this in the future – of course it is too late for the 400 wonderful Prospect Park geese!

What You Can Do to Help

If you share NYC Audubon’s opinion that the City should develop a more scientifically sound plan for managing Canada geese, please make your voice heard! You can help us reach our goal of having 1,000 people register formal complaints with the City. All you have to do is call 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK from outside of NYC) and register a complaint. There are several important things to remember when phoning 311 with your complaint:

* When registering a complaint, its important to say that you would like to “register an opinion with the Mayor.”

* It’s possible that 311 operators will attempt to categorize your complaint. The appropriate category for this type of issue is “Environment.”

* It’s possible that 311 operators will ask you about the date and time of the incident (WSP Blog note: July 8th).

* Please e-mail us your tracking number so we can follow up on it later. Emails can be sent to:


Part II: Why did New York City approve a massacre of 400 geese in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park?

Squirrel at Washington Square Park

The squirrels at Washington Square Park have a lot of fans.  They are quite the characters often coming right up to you on a bench or if you linger for a moment watching them on the paths around the Park! They are an integral part of a day at the park, more so, I’d say, than at most other city parks. You might gain a new appreciation for them here.

Photo: NDinneen

This Saturday Morning: Ducks In the Washington Square Park Fountain!

First there were two ducks and then one flew off…

Last week Bryant Park had ducks ambling about so maybe it’s the same pair and they are on an NYC Park tour

Thanks to Walking off the Big Apple for this tip and these photos and being there early this morning to capture this!

Central Park’s Wild Turkey Hanging Out at Corner of 59th and 6th

Wild Turkey off Central Park running path

Wild Turkey off Central Park running path

Apparently Central Park, which spans from 59th to 110th Streets and covers 840 acres, is getting a bit boring for a wild turkey that took up residence there. The turkey was spotted yesterday outside the confines of the park at the corner of 59th Street and 6th Avenue. NYC Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe — who unfortunately has not always been on the up & up to date around redesign details of Washington Square Park and other public space issues, typically leaning toward reducing, corporatizing and privatizing public space — does seem to appreciate wildlife. Commissioner Benepe told the New York Times he spotted the turkey in the rain. He said, “I saw the wild turkey on the corner of 59th and Sixth Avenue, right in front of the statue of Simon Bolivar, just completely out in the open by itself, as if its a pigeon, except it’s five times bigger.”

Read the Times’ story here.

Turtle Crossing, Prospect Park

Turtle crossing, Prospect Park

Turtle crossing, Prospect Park

Walking in Prospect Park in Brooklyn this morning, I noticed a turtle crossing a wide road that winds through the Park. I wasn’t ready to get that picture but captured this as he (or she) made his way back to the safety of the water! He was scampering along. (The road he crossed is to the left; the turtle is on the sidewalk at this point, and the lake – his destination – is to the right.)

On his way to a Fourth of July picnic perhaps?

Squirrels Against Privatization of our Parks

Photo: Miriam West, one of the wonderful street artist vendors at Union Square Park